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All quiet on the western front imdb







































ALL QUIET remains right at the top of my list of outstanding war pictures.They are so comfortable that they are inclined to philosophize about the causes of war and its solution.Here was a unique depiction of life in the trenches from an enemy point of view, a novel approach.No, from the French.In 1939, the film was re-released with two major changes: the first was the addition of a voice-over narration comparing the WWI German soldiers depicted quite favorably to the Nazi army that had just begun to sweep across Europe.When Paul loses his friend, his depression grows and his death at the hands of a sniper is a fitting end to it all.One of the most touching scenes is when Baumer kills the Frenchman in the shell hole and remorse overcomes him.Both sides are made flesh - one a sophisticated woman he is attracted to and the other his wife. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














A l'ouest rien de nouveau (1930) - IMDb

all quiet on the western front imdb
all quiet on the western front imdb 1979 Image source: www.rueducine.com

With Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, Arnold Lucy. A young soldier faces profound disillusionment in the soul-destroying horror of World War I.Directed by Lewis MilestoneThe gentleman makes a bet with his colleague that he can take that young woman.They soon find themselves in some of the worst battles the world had seen

all quiet on the western front imdb
all quiet on the western front 1930 imdb Image source: image.tmdb.org

A young German soldier's terrifying experiences and distress on the western front during World War I

A l'ouest rien de nouveau (TV Movie 1979) - IMDb

Told through the letters and journals of soldiers who were there.Himmelstoss.This novel will forever speak across the years for all soldiers in combat everywhere.They left for war as Boys, never to return as men.there's a latrine down the road.Do not mistake his plain style of writing for a lack of literary ability - his simple telling of the events is one of the things that make this book so great.For example, after the company has been called back to the rear for reinforcements, the captain calls the roll several times.Remarque served in the German army and lived through the hells he describes.Half of the names are not there - they are dead, wounded or missing.Approximately 20 minutes of footage was cut from the original Hallmark Hall of Fame production which aired on American TV in 1979, including two scenes immediately following the award ceremony: the soldiers discuss the causes of the war in their billet while Himmelstoss listens in icy silence, and Paul and his friends admire and make lewd comments about a pretty girl on a theater poster. All Quiet on the Western Front.

A l'ouest rien de nouveau (TV Movie 1979) - Release Info - IMDb

IMDb Top 250 History.


All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film) - Wikipedia

They hear that they are to return to the front the next day and begin a semi-serious discussion about the causes of the war and of wars in general.The final sequence shows the 2nd Company arriving at the front for the first time, fading out to the image of a cemetery.When Paul visits the schoolroom where he was originally recruited, he finds Professor Kantorek prattling the same patriotic fervor to a class of even younger students.Two decades later, Milestone's wishes were finally granted when the United States Library of Congress undertook an exhaustive restoration of the film in 2006.After spending several days in a bunker under bombardment, they at last move into the trenches and successfully repulse an enemy attack; they then counterattack and take an enemy trench with heavy casualties, but have to abandon it. Ernest Borgnine in All Quiet on the Western Front.

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Half of the names are not there - they are dead, wounded or missing.It is without question the greatest war novel ever written.This novel will forever speak across the years for all soldiers in combat everywhere.They left for war as Boys, never to return as men.Do not mistake his plain style of writing for a lack of literary ability - his simple telling of the events is one of the things that make this book so great.Approximately 20 minutes of footage was cut from the original Hallmark Hall of Fame production which aired on American TV in 1979, including two scenes immediately following the award ceremony: the soldiers discuss the causes of the war in their billet while Himmelstoss listens in icy silence, and Paul and his friends admire and make lewd comments about a pretty girl on a theater poster.

All Quiet on the Western Front on IMDb

A l'ouest rien de nouveau (TV Movie 1979) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more

Voyez les conditions d?utilisation pour plus de details, ainsi que les credits graphiques.Bahasa Indonesia Ilokano Islenska Italiano.Les medecins manquent et les blesses, s'ajoutant aux morts, finissent par mourir.L'Invasion des profanateurs de sepultures.A l?Ouest rien de nouveau (1930): une autre image des Allemands ?, ParenTheses, 16 juin 2015.Gardner Sullivan, Walter Anthony, Lewis Milestone, d'apres l'?uvre d' Erich Maria Remarque.En 1990, A l'Ouest, rien de nouveau est selectionne pour le National Film Registry par le National Film Preservation Board en vue d'une conservation a la bibliotheque du Congres aux Etats-Unis en raison de son.

Directed by Delbert Mann. With Richard Thomas, Ernest Borgnine, Donald Pleasence, Ian Holm. A young soldier faces profound disillusionment in the soul-destroying horror of World War I..

A l'ouest rien de nouveau (TV Movie 1979) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more....


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